John Wiercioch - "Still within the Storm" - Alexander/Heath Contemporary / August 2022Alexander/Heath Contemporary
Embracing the Mystery”

Recent Works by John Wiercioch
August 5 – 26, 2022

Closing Reception:
Friday, August 26th, 6 to 9 pm

Opening Reception: Art-by-Night Friday
August 5th, 5 to 9 pm

109 Campbell Ave SW, Roanoke, VA 24011 
(Between 1st & 2nd Streets)

Opening Exhibition / August 5, 2022

Cell: Edward Hettig, 607.226.2473
Contact via Email:

Artist’s Statement

Making art is a process of discovery for me. I rarely plan where a painting is headed, and enjoy the mystery. I prefer to develop a dialogue with the materials at hand and like to allow works to evolve organically. Direct inspirations are rare and even when tapped into, are only starting points in the conversation that the painting documents. When fully immersed in the process, my sense of self fades.

I value spontaneity, and use it to move beyond trying too hard to control the works. For me successful paintings need to be more than exciting graphics or billboards. I work to make objects that will be rewarding to look at for a long while. This requires looking and contemplation, at least as much as the act of applying the materials. I try to “listen” and reveal each work’s internal harmony. In my view love, harmony, and beauty are the primary aim in all realms of life.

Wandering a trail, gazing at the heavens, sitting on a rock, touching the soil in my garden, or floating on a river all renew me. In nature I tend to tune out thinking, so life becomes a more sensory experience. When my intellect surrenders, just “being” can more readily happen. I often sense I’m just a permeable, momentary part of a greater whole that’s infinite. In fortunate moments it eases my normally separate self into Awareness.

Over many decades, making art has been a fun, exploratory, challenging adventure. At the best the process affirms my connectedness. If these “records” of my journey move you, the circle is complete and the Light expands.

~ John Wiercioch, July 2022

Above: “Still Within the Storm”
44” x 44” Mixed media/panel


John was born in Detroit and grew up in Elkhart, IN. He has a BA form IU at South Bend, and earned an MFA from Radford University. He worked in art museums for 15 years and moved to Roanoke in 1993, ending that career as Director of Education at the Art Museum of Western VA. In 2000 he founded Roanoke Masterworks, a house painting and custom wall finish company. He has one son, Anselm, an amazing extended family, and dozens of incredibly supportive and inspiring friends, for which he is very grateful.

More about John Wiercioch: Website /  Facebook